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KL News

May 12, 2017

KL Newsletter

We have had exciting past few months at KL, from overseas interpreting assignments to the expansion of our translation and training businesses. We’re pleased to share with you our latest news in this update.

Our global interpreting service

Recently one of our clients has flown two KL interpreters to India for an assignment. In 2016, one of our clients flew a KL interpreter to the US to interpret for Harvard, West Point and Yale. Our team also regularly undertake assignments across Europe. So far this year, KL interpreters have carried out assignments in France, Latvia, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Sweden and Denmark.

We are happy to support our clients’ businesses wherever they need us.

Our growing training business

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University have commissioned KL to teach a course to a large group of senior executives in China.

In 2016, KL successfully launched the Post-MA Professional Training (PMPT) programme. The programme provides formal and intensive training to MA graduates who plan to work as an interpreter upon graduation or whose work will involve Chinese – English cross-cultural elements. KL will run the PMPT programme again from 1 August to 12 October 2017.

Our new recruits

Azure Liu recently joined KL as a Translation Manager. Azure is based in our China office and works closely with our translation teams in China and London.

Alice Wang has joined our London office as a Staff Interpreter. Alice holds an MA from the University of Bath. She stood out among 20 other candidates during a rigorous recruitment process in 2016.

Recent clients testiminials

We’re passionate about what we do and committed to providing an excellent service to our clients. Here are some of our recent client testimonials:

“Our event went really well, thanks to the professional service provided by KL interpreter. I would give her a 5+ (out of 5), a job very well done.”

       a major UK-China association

“I would give a 5 (out of 5) to your team! I hope that we will have another opportunity to cooperate in the future.”

       a major Chinese publishing company

“We are really happy with the service you provided and we’re very likely to use you again in the future.”

       a major Chinese financial institution

“I have no hesitation in giving your interpreter 5 (out of 5) and I will definitely recommend KL to other clients of ours in the future.”

       a top academic institution in the UK

“I would score a clear 5 (out of 5) for this piece of work. The KL interpreter is very professional and she seems to manage to translate even the most complex scientific information without batting an eyelid. I also know she was recovering from a cold but she didn’t allow that to interfere with her job. She’s a delight to have in the party and yet she’s always watching for the moment when she needs to translate even in a social environment. I can’t speak highly enough of her.’’

       a consultancy firm in the UK

 Get in touch

For interpreting, translation or training enquiries, call us at +44 (0) 845 450 0721 or email

Translation Business

May 5, 2017

Getting to know KL’s translation business 

Many of our clients are very familiar with our interpreting business, but aren’t aware that we also provide excellent translation service. In fact, our translation business is just as established as our interpreting business.

2017 is an exciting year for our interpreting business. In April, we added two new members to our translation team in China. In summer, we will be trialing our new translation technology. This new technology will potentially increase our speed of delivery by up to ten times.

What we do

We specialise in high-end translation, although we’re just as comfortable with general purpose work.

We provide quality translation work to governments, organisations, companies and academic institutions. Our translation team have a strong track record of translating for a wide range of industries and subjects.

Clients come to us for:

·         Brochures, leaflets, websites

·         Emails and correspondence

·         Manuals and handbooks

·         PowerPoint presentation decks

·         Documents, agreements and contracts

·         Menus and signs for events and hospitality

·         Straplines, key messages and brand names

·         Business cards, letterheads and complimentary slips

·         Proofreading of third-party translations

What makes KL different

All suppliers promise accuracy. We deliver more.

                    We maintain the integrity of your business while translating

                    We deliver even when there isn’t a ready equivalent in Chinese

                    We know where to strike a subtle balance. This is key to the translation of creative content.     Sounding too English won’t strike a chord in China. Sounding too Chinese misleads. Getting that balance right is critical. At times, it’s an art. An art that we’ve perfected over the years

                    We do most translation in-house. We do not outsource confidential document translation

KL is to launch the popular Post-MA Professional Training in summer 2017

May 3, 2017

Following the very successful launch of the Post-MA Professional Training (PMPT) in 2016, KL Communications (KLC) is pleased to announce that we will run the PMPT programme again in 2017.

The aim of the programme is to bring aspiring graduates to the level of a professional interpreter of the quality of KL Communications. Each year, we recruit full-time Staff Interpreters from this programme if we regard the candidates as qualified.

KLC PMPT 2017 is open to all MA graduates who plan to work as an interpreter upon graduation or whose work will involve Chinese – English cross-cultural elements.

The programme will be formal and intensive. The training will be conducted by KLC’s Managing Director Dr Kevin Lin (OBE) and KLC interpreters.

It will take place from 1 August to 12 October 2017 at KLC offices in Kingston, London. For more details please get in touch.


A new five-day intensive employability training course during Easter

February 24, 2017

Getting a job in the UK isn’t easy for international students – even native British students find it challenging.

Designed with the needs of Chinese students in mind, KL Communications has developed an intensive course aimed at helping Chinese students’
improve their job prospects in the UK.

Through five days of hands-on training, delivered by experts from KL Communications, the trainees will learn valuable career tips and gain skills in navigating the UK job market, CV and cover letter writing, job interview success, public speaking and presentation delivery and UK culture.

Find more details and how to register below: 

The Word is Your Oyster